Online digital data and AI for monitoring biodiversity

ENG: In an innovative study published in Plos Biology, Dr. Andrea Soriano-Redondo and her team at the University of Helsinki, along with international collaborators, propose leveraging online digital content as a novel method to augment existing biodiversity conservation efforts. This approach is a direct response to the pressing global biodiversity crisis and aligns with the objectives of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Dr. Soriano-Redondo highlights the unique opportunity to use the digital footprint left by social media posts and other online content to monitor changes in biodiversity, marking a significant shift towards integrating digital tools in ecological studies and conservation practices.

Credit: Andrea Soriano-Redondo et al.
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Diving deeper into our oceans: Underwater drones open new doors for global coral reef research

ENG: Scientists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), in collaboration with NTT Communications, have pioneered the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) collected by underwater drones to identify the genera of mesophotic corals, a significant advancement published in the journal Royal Society Open Science. This innovative approach enables large-scale eDNA monitoring of coral ecosystems without the need for direct observations through scuba diving or snorkeling, offering a new pathway to study these often inaccessible and largely unexplored habitats. Mesophotic coral ecosystems, found at depths between 30 and 150 meters, are vital due to their high native species diversity compared to their shallow-water counterparts, highlighting the importance of developing new methods for their study and conservation.

Credit: OIST
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